Who Is She:

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I'm Kahlia,And I'm Human.Love Rules My Universe.Hearts <3 are My Trademark.A person who is willing to learn and grow from each experience.A Driven soul who believes creation is the root of this world.I'm A Puzzle,Lets See If You Can Solve me!


Male Designer

Male fashion always intrigued me. I always had the thought in the back of my head to develop a male's clothing line. My mind just got blown when i googled male fashion sketches and barely got anything.

It definitely struck me that this is the path i want my career to go down. I want to bring something new to the table and push the standards for what the everyday "American boy" believes is suitable attire.

In other countries like Europe, men's fashion is so wide and well respected. It is going to be an interesting Journey. I'm Excited.
Not only am i an aspiring designer, I can now confidently say that i am officially an aspiring "Men's fashion Designer." :-)


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